How to Create Your Bot

How to Create Your Bot

  1. Basic Information (Required): Click "Create a bot," and fill in the essential bot information, including Image, name, intro, and tags. You can manually enter tags for easy search. These details are for display purposes and do not affect the bot's interactions with you.


  1. Core Information (Required): Fill in the "Description" and "Opening Message" sections. Be sure to provide detailed information!
    1. The "Description" defines the overall concept of your bot. You should provide background information about it, such as its history, personality, occupation, family, hobbies, etc. (It doesn't have to be human; it can also be another species.) Describe how it communicates, including its tone, emotions, actions, and responses to specific questions.
    2. The "Opening Message" determines how the bot's conversation begins. This is crucial! You need to describe the starting scene for the dialogue.


  1. Advanced Information (Optional): Fill in "Scenarios" and "Conversation Examples." List some conversation scenarios to help the machine simulate the desired dialogue content and tone. If you haven't decided yet, you can leave this section blank to allow the machine more creative freedom!


  1. Save Information: Click "Save," and you'll have a unique bot created by you!
    1. Go to "My Bots" and try having a unique conversation with it!
    2. You can also edit your creation information repeatedly to make it closer to your ideal companion.
